
BioSpace25 Conference – Biodiversity insight from Space

BIOSPACE25 is the first international conference exclusively dedicated to the application of Satellite Remote Sensing (SRS) across the various dimensions of biodiversity, and addressing the use of Earth Observations in all realms, from terrestrial, freshwater, and coastal to marine ecosystems.

The goal of the BIOSPACE conferences is to offer insightful exploration of critical biodiversity challenges that Earth Observation systems should primarily address, to showcase cutting-edge SRS solutions in different biodiversity domains, and to foster collaborative efforts to advance the use and impact of Earth Observation in biodiversity science, monitoring and policy implementation.

The BIOSPACE25 conference is organised jointly by the European Space Agency, the European Commission, the Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON) and the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS), in collaboration with a number of partner organisations.


MOD Alliance Webinar#2

MARCO-BOLO will host the next MOD Alliance Webinar on 19th February 2025 at 5.00 pm CET (UTC+1) 

Dan Lear (MBA) will tell us more about the Standardisation of Biodiversity (Meta)Data.

EuroMarine Open Science Day 2025

This event is a unique opportunity to showcase the achievements within our network and to come together in celebration of marine research.

Aiming to enjoy engaging presentations, the guiding principle is “Excellent science”. There will be two sessions, both starting with outstanding keynote speakers, followed by shorter 10-15min presentations and sufficient time for questions and discussion.

The first session aims to showcase scientific advances, and the second session will focus on socio-ecological challenges for marine conservation and restoration in a changing planet.

BlueInvest Day 2025

The spotlight of BlueInvest Day lies on both successful and high-potential investment initiatives, emphasising their impact on sustainability and their transformative potential.

Our Mission: provide a dynamic platform for existing and potential members of the BlueInvest Community to converge. This annual event aims to catalyse investment and innovation initiatives within the Blue Economy, promoting sustainability and transformative impact across industries.

European Ocean Days

The European Ocean Days is a week-long event with a series of dynamic and interconnected sessions relevant to maritime topics. Each day features distinct sessions focused on various key ocean-related themes, allowing participants to engage deeply with the sustainable blue economy, considering fisheries science outcomes, showcasing Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters actions, blue investments, and dialogues with key stakeholders, including youth.

The European Ocean Days provides a unique platform to exchange of ideas across diverse blue communities, discuss about the challenges ahead, explore innovative solutions, and pave the way for concrete actions that address the interconnected ocean issues. This year, the Ocean Days are a key component of the preparation of the Ocean Pact, a reference framework for all EU ocean-related policies.

AquaEcOmics meeting: Exploring Aquatic Ecology through Omics

Discover the latest advancements in aquatic ecosystem research at the AquaEcOmics meeting, where scientists and managers will delve into biodiversity, functioning, and monitoring using cutting-edge eDNA and multi-Omics methods.

This symposium is organised by INRAEUMR CARRTEL (INRAE USMB), and Université de Savoie Mont Blanc.

EMBRC: FAIR Data for Marine Scientists

This is a 3-day course for onsite participants, of which the first 2.5-days are also open to online participants. In the final half day, the onsite students will bring all they have learned together in an interactive Make-My-Data-FAIR session. We will also have a “Data Clinic” in which the onsite students can ask their particular questions of the various experts of the VLIZ Data Centre on data FAIRness, data management, data archiving, etc.

All materials will be provided online / open access for future trainers to be able to use “back home”.

European Maritime Day 2025

Looking ahead to 2025, we are preparing the next EMD and are thrilled to introduce you to the city of Cork in Ireland where the conference will be held as an in-person event (with some live streaming) for 1000+ participants. Have a look at the beautiful video and enjoy the beautiful maritime landscape which will give you a taste of what the next EMD will look like.

EPIMAR2025 – Third International Symposium on Epigenetics in Marine and Aquatic Research

The Third International Symposium on Epigenetics in Marine and Aquatic Research (EPIMAR2025), will take place in Barcelona, Spain, from May 27 to 30, 2025

It will promote the gathering and exchange of information among researchers interested in marine epigenetics, covering a variety of cutting-edge aspects, and thus contribute to consolidating the “Epimar community”.

One Ocean Science Congress

The Congress will feature a mix of plenary sessions, including opening and keynote speeches, alongside parallel oral and poster presentations. To enhance interactions between science and society, action and policy, and to engage civil society more broadly, ‘townhalls’ such as panels and roundtables will also be arranged.

This event is part of The UN Ocean Conference 2025.

The abstract submission deadline is Thursday, 14 November 2024, 13:00 CET

2025 UN Ocean Conference

The high-level 2025 United Nations Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development (the 2025 UN Ocean Conference) will be co-hosted by France and Costa Rica and held in Nice, France, from 9 – 13 June 2025.

The overarching theme of the Conference is “Accelerating action and mobilizing all actors to conserve and sustainably use the ocean”. The Conference aims to support further and urgent action to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development and identify further ways and means to support the implementation of SDG 14. It will build on existing instruments to form successful partnerships towards the swift conclusion and effective implementation of ongoing processes that contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of the ocean.

The GOOD-OARS Summer School 2025

The summer school will welcome up to 40 Early Career Researchers, PhD students, and highly motivated MSc students who aim to work on or with ocean acidification and deoxygenation.  The school will be hosted by the Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies of Universiti Sains Malaysia (CEMACS) and is established under the Global Ocean Oxygen Decade (GOOD) and Ocean Acidification Research for Sustainability (OARS) programmes of the UN Ocean Decade. It aims to train the next generation of ocean oxygen and acidification scientists and researchers in the foundations of both fields, with instruction and lectures from world experts in a friendly setting for discussion.

You can read more about the school on its website. The school will run from 4-11 November 2025 at CEMACS in Penang, Malaysia. Applications are open until 10 January 2025. Applicants should expect to hear back on or before 7 February 2025.