Map of MARCO-BOLO related projects

MARCO-BOLO has conducted a systematic search of EU-funded projects focused on biodiversity and ecosystem monitoring and observations to identify potential clustering and collaboration opportunities. 46 projects are mapped here according to their coordinating institute and funding programme. From this project-mapping exercise emerges a number of exciting clustering opportunities, particularly along the projects thematic area of focus.

Several projects are identified as having a predominant focus on e-DNA and the development or testing of New Tools for biodiversity monitoring which align with WP2 and WP7 of MARCO-BOLO such as OBAMA-NEXT; ANERIS; eDNAqua-Plan; BioBoost+; DNASense; EMPHATIC; and DiverSea. Additionally, there is scope for clustering with projects which have objectives in biodiversity Data Management and Coordination, for example: BIOcean5D; BGE; MAPAS; MARIPOLDATA; EuropaBON; WOBEC; BiCOME; BioEcoOcean; BOOMS; and LandSeaLot, also including projects which emphasise data coordination to supply the development of Digital Twin Ocean for example; DTO-BioFlow and DIGI4ECO among others. Likewise, some projects prioritise their efforts in Ecosystem Management such as: GES4SEAS; MISSION ATLANTIC; iAtlantic; eLTER PLUS; ACTNOW; MARBEFES; MaCoBioS; FutureMARES; Marine SABRES; B-USEFUL; and CAMBioMed.  The topic of Fisheries has also emerged as an important co-factor in biodiversity monitoring and observation projects for example: MOOBYF; EcoScope; NorTrack; MARHAB; and Marine Beacon. Marine Protected Areas are being addressed through a biodiversity monitoring approach in projects such as: MSP4BIO; MarPAMM; MarinePlan; and MPA Europe. The crucial tasks of bringing biodiversity research and knowledge into the hands of policymakers and stakeholders under the theme of Science Policy are being spearheaded by projects: Biodiversa-plus; BIONEXT; MARIPOLDATA; EuropaBON; B-Cubed; and Co-Op4CBD.

Furthermore, interesting potential for clustering lies within the case studies and demonstration sites selected by projects, many of which overlap, allowing for capacity building, technology sharing, and comparative studies, one such example is the Celtic Sea which is a site of interest for OBAMA-NEXT, GES4SEAS, MISSION ATLANTIC, and Marine Plan. Similarly, the Arctic Sea is being investigated under Marine SABRES, SEACHANGE, and BioOcean5D. The Western Mediterranean is also one example of an area of importance, being studied under GES4SEAS, ACTNOW, MSP4BIO, Marine Plan. EMPHATIC, and CAMBioMed. Biodiversity monitoring of the Mid-Atlantic is being explored by Marine Beacon, NorTrack, GES4SEAS, Mission Atlantic, iAtlantic, BOOMS, while the Baltic Sea is being case studied under GES4SEAS, ACTNOW, MSP4BIO, LandSeaLot, and Marine Plan.

MARCO-BOLO is optimally positioned to engage these projects and more in building a strong and cohesive network of EU-funded projects to explore future joint actions and the potential for integrated initiatives. Promoting a connected and expansive network within the biodiversity research and innovation field can allow for better use of resources, knowledge and technology transfer, and strategic stakeholder engagement activities.