

Seascape Belgium offers services to marine offshore and coastal operators, managers, policy makers and funders focusing on knowledge based solutions for sustainable management and development of our seas and oceans. We operate mainly at the interface between marine science, policy and industry. Established in 2017, Seascape Belgium specialises in the coordination/management of multidisciplinary marine science projects in support of policy/industry, and the provision of high-level advice to various stakeholders, including regulatory bodies, policymakers, industry and NGOs. Our expertise includes developing solutions for issues related to ocean governance, marine pollution, coordination of ocean observing and marine monitoring efforts, marine research infrastructures, management of marine data and information as well as facilitating Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) processes at the national, sea-basin and pan-European level. Seascape Belgium staff have long standing experience with science communication, event organisation, stakeholder engagement and facilitation of science-policy interfaces. We work alongside leading scientists around the world, and are partners in a number of major European research programmes addressing marine issues and opportunities.


SSBE is providing the technical advice regarding EMODnet (European Marine Observation and Data Network) data flows, optimising the marine biodiversity data and marine knowledge value chain (WP1); stakeholder engagement and knowledge transfer, knowledge transfer resources and engagement and leading dialogue with the blue economy/industry stakeholder sectors (WP6) and are contributing to the overall communication and dissemination of the project as part of WP7.


Kate Larkin|kate.larkin@seascapebelgium.be
Anta Cissé|anta.cisse@seascapebelgium.be